Embark on a unique horticultural adventure with Creative Harvest, an annual open garden weekend in West Gippsland that goes beyond the ordinary. This event revolves around the beauty of veggie gardens and the art of growing your own food.
Immerse yourself in inspiration and hands-on activities to cultivate your green thumb on the weekend of 27-29 January. Explore a dozen thriving food gardens set in family farms and suburban backyards. Support local artists, savor delectable treats, and delve into the world of sustainable, homegrown goodness.
There are a range of kids activities like planting seedlings, creating seed bombs, and kitchen garden cooking workshops. For the grownups, glean insights from seasoned garden owners through free, in-garden talks covering topics such as wicking beds, gardening by the moon, and nurturing healthy seedlings.
Take your gardening journey to the next level with workshops led by renowned experts like Penny Woodward, author of the acclaimed ‘Tomato: Know Sow Grow Feast.’ Delve into the art of growing optimal summer tomatoes and explore the use of herbs for culinary, medicinal, and pleasurable purposes.
Additional workshops by local presenters cover a range of fascinating topics, from identifying edible weeds to utilizing sourdough starter for diverse baked goods. Uncover the secrets of crafting masterpieces with natural floral dyes.